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Here you can find our contact information and you have the possibility to order information we will gladly send to you.
Dinnebier Licht GmbH
Piepersberg 36
D-42653 Solingen
Fon +49 212 596733-0
contact form
Our team

Jakob Klages
Purchas and sales

Balduin von Au
Metal worker

Friedrich Duregger
Metal worker

Alojz Lorencic
Assembly Operator for project lights
Johannes Dinnebier
Johannes Dinnebier has been among the vanguard for fifty years. As Germany´s first lighting planner he and his wife founded the company Licht im Raum in Düsseldorf, where lots ideas of hilistic interior design have been implemented since then. In 1965, he established an own planning office at Wuppertal, the precessor of today´s Dinnebier Licht GmbH.
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